
Morning Glory & Cowboys and Aliens: GOMP #31


Is this a “comeback” for Harrison? Morning Glory? I dunno that Harrison needed a comeback but it’s a surprisingly cool part for Harrison, the part of Mike Pomeroy.

We’ll try to figure out how underatted this character is PLUS we break down the character of rancher Woodrow Dolarhyde from Cowboys and Aliens. Indiana Jones and James Bond working together! That’s cool…right?

ALSO, we talk about some recent Harrison appearances on talk shows to promote The Force Awakens. Was he really drunk on Jimmy Fallon?

DIRECT DOWNLOAD: MorningGloryCowboys.mp3

-Music by Night Stop, song called “Harrison Ford”.

-Show is hosted by Mike and Trent. Contact us:

-GOMP is part of the Dorktown Network of podcasts. You can subscribe in iTunes, Stitcher or various other podcasting apps.
-Podcast RSS Feed: GOMPrssFeed


The Devil’s Own and Harrison Ford on Letterman: Get Off My Podcast #22


Harrison Ford works with Brad Pitt for the first and ONLY time and we break-down why, all while we review the thriller flick, The Devil’s Own.

We also pay tribute to Harrison Ford’s awkward (sometimes) appearances on David Letterman and listen to “Jimmy Carter” grill Harrison.
All this and more on this week’s Get Off My Podcast!

Direct download: TheDevilsOwnGOMP.mp3

Two Of The Greatest Awkward Guys On TV: When David Letterman Interviews Harrison Ford

Is it just two genious entertainers or two weird dudes talking? That’s what it was always like when our boy Harrison Ford went on David Letterman. Now that Dave is sadly (yeah I cried on the last show) gone, it’s time to look back at some appearances Harrison made.

Letterman talks about Harrison’s early days as a contract actor (something we covered on episode 1 of GOMP)  and learns Harrison doesn’t like talking about money. Really this should be titled, When Two Awkward Smart Dudes Talk:

After Harrison told a joke on Letterman, it became a running gag. When Harrison would go a Letterman, he would do a joke.

It all started with the Broccoli joke: